by Trish Tinkler | Aug 18, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Sculpture, Timber
Ross Patston-Gill, Mikkris House Ross Patston-Gill has been working with timber for over 30 years. He is a woodturner, teacher, sculptor and enthusiastic dendrochronologist. Working with Tasmanian timbers from ancient forests, he crafts unique pieces that capture the... by Trish Tinkler | Jun 11, 2021 | 2021 Artist
Elizabeth aka Denise GrahamParamour Textiles StudioI started spinning and weaving in 1975 when I was 41. At that time there was not muchinformation around on spinning and weaving, however, I found a little book in the local opshop and this gave me my start. I joined...
by Trish Tinkler | Jun 4, 2021 | 2021 Artist
Maureen’s favourite medium was scratchboard for making etchings of our Tasmanian wildlife. Increasing problems with low vision has led Maureen to change her techniques. Her work now has less detail and higher contrast. She is enjoying new ways...
by Trish Tinkler | Jun 4, 2021 | 2021 Artist
As a child I was blessed to have a mum who nurtured and fuelled the imagination which has greatly helped my artistic pursuit. My art is inspired from my childhood memories and those of the stories from her childhood. I also derive inspiration...
by Trish Tinkler | Jun 4, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Acrylic, Pastel, Watercolour
Long ago I came across a small watercolour by Albert Namatjira and was immediately mesmerised by the beauty and clarity of the scene. Minimal splashes of light and shadow, but you knew they were mountains. The transparency of the colours drew me in and I... by Trish Tinkler | May 21, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Acrylic, Graphite, Watercolour
In quiet moments I enjoy the contemplative nature of drawing in graphite and charcoals, whilst the use of strong, bold colours of acrylics and inks bring out the Fauvist in me. Consequently, when all else fails, I use them all in one piece to cover all emotions. I...
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