by Trish Tinkler | Nov 9, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Acrylic, Mixed Media
Inspired by Grace Tame’s voice, Susan Westcott takes to the artworld once more. Moving from jewellery and watercolour, Susan tries mixed media to reflect the feeling of power for women in 2021. by Trish Tinkler | Nov 9, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Ceramics, Mixed Media, Timber
I live in Dover and have been working with ceramics for the past three years. I have special interest in hand building and have expanded by palate of materials this year using wood and wire to help anchor my pieces for this exhibition. I was inspired by the beach at...
by Trish Tinkler | Nov 9, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Mixed Media
With two gorgeous and energetic toddlers to chase after, Kati doesn’t often get the chance to make art for themselves. It has always been a passion, and she’s so grateful for the opportunity to create something for the Geeveston Art Show. This is their...
by Trish Tinkler | Aug 24, 2021 | 2021 Artist, Acrylic, Mixed Media, Oil
Trish Tinkler – Trishie’s Treasures Trish is a relatively new addition to the Huon Valley landscape, having only been in Tasmania for shy of 5 years. She moved here from England with her husband and cats, and her addiction to crafting. Trish’s work,...
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