Trish Tinkler – Trishie’s Treasures

Trish is a relatively new addition to the Huon Valley landscape, having only been in Tasmania for shy of 5 years. She moved here from England with her husband and cats, and her addiction to crafting. Trish’s work, usually found at markets, online commissions and in the Geeveston Visitor Centre, range from crochet to sewing, decoupage, card-making and anything that glitters. She enjoys taking every day items and making them pretty – most of the time rendering them thoroughly impractical. The challenge of 2021 was to create something completely without function, just to be looked at, for the art show!

Trish comes from a long line of artists who never passed on the patience of their craft. She’s winging it, and hopes her mixed media pieces amuse, and maybe even bring a smile to our Art Show visitors.